Google Classroom
Ready to start using Google Classroom with your students? Already a user of Google Classroom but want to know more so you can maximize its use? Check out the links below to Google Classroom help pages, training for teachers, and other sites with great tips and ideas.
Google Classroom Training - Google Education Training Center
Teacher Tech with Alice Keeler - Google Classroom tips and ideas
Google Classroom Training - Google Education Training Center
Teacher Tech with Alice Keeler - Google Classroom tips and ideas
Tools to Deliver Content
ClassFlow is the newest program from Promethean that allows teachers to deliver interactive and engaging lessons. The main platform is web based, but a desktop version can be downloaded for more features and improved functionality. Some familiar widgets from ActivInspire are still available. ClassFlow allows teacher to send slides out to student devices and receive work back. Teachers can create quizzes, polls, games and activities to accompany lesson slides.
The ClassFlow Help page provides access to ample video resources for how to use the software. |
Tools for Review and Formative Assessments
Plickers is a lower-tech alternative to using the Promethan Clickers or Chromebooks in the classroom. Use questions to quickly pre- and post- assess student learning for the day. Pre-made QR code cards can be printed out and laminated for reuse. This program requires an app on a phone or tablet with internet connection to scan the room and send results to the website on your computer. Collect data by student name or anonymously.
Tools For Grading
OrangeSlice is an add-on for Google Docs. It allows you to use rubrics or create your own rubric to attach to a Google Doc Assignment. When students turn in an assignment, you can grade student work and OrangeSlice highlights the selected boxes and provides an overall score for students. Comments can also be added under the score if desired.
Want more options? Check out this blog post featuring 4 rubric add-ons for Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms. |
Tools To Create Your Own Resources
Use WeVideo to create all types of resources for your classroom. With WeVideo you can easily create screencasts of science and math problems as examples for students to follow, video lessons to "flip" your classroom, use audio to create podcasts and vodcasts to deliver content to students, and create video sub plans so your students don't fall behind while you are out.
You can also create collaborative videos by importing Google Slides students have contributed to. Check out this link to an article on combining WeVideo and Google Slides. Email Ms. Loughlin or Ms. Smith to get the link for the school account. |
Educational Resources
Created by the University of Colorado-Boulder, PhET offers an awesome collection of interactive simulations for a range of science and math subjects. Most of the simulations will work on Chromebooks, but some of the Java-only simulations will require the use of the desktop computers in the library or the computer lab.