Below, are a few documents and websites curated to ensure access to various content specific areas of instruction. If you think of any websites that would be valuable to other teachers, please contact me at [email protected]
Online Learning Resources
Learning from Home Resources for Teachers: This document was created by the Vermont School Library Association (VSLA) and was curated by librarians around the state. It includes not only various content sites, but also various tech tools to help provide interesting and current lessons for teachers. It is a document in flux, so please check back often and be aware that some of the educational tools may no longer be free.
Remote Education Resources for Special Ed resources currated by the VT AOE to help provide educational supports for IEP students and to continue to support equity of learning in Special Education. The document includes sources on accessability, assessments, mindfulness, daily activities, career exploration, as well as various disability sites.
Digital Education Resource Guide: A comprehensive education guide created in July 2020 by Justin Anderson and Sprocket (a non-profit innovation lab) with a grant from Humana Foundation, this resource identifies various educational platforms and social media tools to help teachers and students with online/distance learning.
BUUSD Remote Learning Resources This site was created by Jessica Barewicz the BUUSD curriculum coordinator and includes currated materials from teachers across the BUUSD district. It includes various content and tech sites. Again, this document is in flux, so check back often.
Virtual Field Trip Apps and Websites: Crowd sourced by Common Sense Media, this site lists a variety of different virtual reality tools and websites to help students create virtual tours or visit a variety of places surrounding art, science, and more.
PBS Distance Learning: A collaboration between the VTAoE and PBS in order to coordinate learning at home. PBS provides various programing from 12-5 for grades 6-12 in science, literature, and social studies. This site will change weekly.
VTNEA Website for Teachers created for teachers, by teachers and VTNEA. It contains a variety of sites for both content and tech tools.
District Tech Resources: Located in the shared drive, this site includes directions to our BUUSD licences to Discovery Education, WeVideo, and Activeinsipre.
The New York Times Provides students and teachers learning and content activities through The Learning Network.
Newsela currated content sources and assessment resources for Science, ELA, and Social Studies.